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The Daily Michigan: Fashionably green jewelry from Cangles

Earth Day is just around the corner, and today on The Daily Michigan we have some truly unique jewelry made right here in Michigan by Cangles.

Cangles began after the owners observed how once-thriving neighborhoods that were their home were now home to poverty and littered with refuse. Conversation spawned the idea of creating bangles from recycled cans and (after a few years of perfecting the process) Cangles Fashionably Green jewelry was born. All made by hand with a high level of quality and finish, this fashionable and truly green jewelry benefits projects including the Food Bank Council of Michigan, the Wounded Warrior Project and Cass River Pet Friendz.

Our winner will receive a Vernors Custom Eco Cuff bracelet, necklace pendant and a pair of earrings, all sporting the distinctive Vernors gnome – a Michigan original! Please enjoy the video below about their Save the Earth jewelry.

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